Curriculum Vitae – The Mummy Version

My daughter has turned 1 and has recently mastered walking. She is so busy walking (to nowhere in particular) that I sat down and thought to myself that I’ll find a job. I mean my poor father did spend a substantial amount of money educating me.  So, I decided to reinvent my CV for potential employers.

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What do you do all day?

For almost 10 months now, I’ve been a ‘Stay home mum’. This honorary title apparently depicts an image of a lady stretched out in a hammock sipping cocktails all day as her baby plays nearby. The slow paced, leisurely nature of this role as a mother prompts innocent bystanders to accost you with their famous question;

What do you do all day?

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Face it. Love it. Own it

Recently, I’ve become a celebrity. I can’t walk around in any shopping mall without being constantly approached and talent scouted. Too many of them! They either want to massage my fats away, electrocute my cellulite ghost-buster style, put me in a vibrating contraption that will shake the calories out of me or a combination of all of the above. With this amount of attention, just like any other celebrity, I ask myself ‘Why me?’ Continue reading

Pregnancy & Childbirth: What no one told me

‘Motherhood is a beautiful phase of life, welcome to the club!’ This was the most common message I received from most of my friends. To be honest, this is also what I tell my new mummy friends. What no one tells you (out of concern and not to scare you) is the flip side of this beautiful journey. I am not being negative, only realistic. Anything this wonderful will come with its own share of trials and tribulations.

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